September 16, 2024
New Delhi, India

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a recent therapeutic approach and part of the third wave of cognitive behavioural therapy. While the conceptual basis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) lies in modifying one’s maladaptive and ineffective belief systems, thoughts and behaviour, ACT focuses on accepting them. How many times have you noticed that you are

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Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Techniques, Applications, and Limitations

Developing psychological illnesses and suffering because of it has become a widely accepted reality in the world today. As a consequence of technological advancement, dilution of taboos related to psychological disorders, and understanding of human behaviour in the broader context, individuals are becoming aware day by day about the different disorders and are stepping forward

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Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

Try recalling how you feel about getting told no. Even if you know it’s reasonable, it hurts to get rejected. Everybody dislikes rejection. It is frustrating and upsetting when you cannot get what you want. Feeling upset when rejected is normal to some extent, but when it gets too intense and painful, there might be

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