February 22, 2025
New Delhi, India
Clinical Health Psychology

Understanding Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy aims to address unconscious thoughts, desires and impulses by bringing them up to the conscious mind of the individual to cope with the underlying issues and maladaptive behaviours as a result of unconscious thoughts. This approach lays its foundation in psychoanalytical theory given by Sigmund Freud. Although, it has evolved in its nature

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Health Psychology

Understanding Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, and Treatments

Anxiety is a complex blend of emotions and cognitions oriented to the future. The evolutionary advantage of anxiety lies in its ability to heighten our awareness and readiness for potential dangers or challenges in the future. Anxiety enhances learning and performance when it is in mild and moderate levels, otherwise, people are diagnosed with anxiety

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Clinical Health Psychology

Understanding Agoraphobia: Fear, Causes, and Impact

The protagonist Mehak, in the Indian psychological thriller Phobia, experiences an overwhelming and crippling fear at the mere thought of stepping outside her house. This might feel overly dramatic and fictional for people who are watching. However, this is a reality for millions of people around the world. Phobia sheds light on Agoraphobia, which is

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Health Psychology

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a pervasive disorder characterized by uncontrollable and recurrent thoughts termed as obsessions along with repetitive behaviours referred to as compulsions to combat anxiety-provoking thoughts. This causes significant distress to the individual who is affected along with disruptions in their occupational and personal lives. OCD impacts 1-3% of the global population and the

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Health Psychology

Understanding Bulimia Nervosa: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

17-year-old Riya struggles with issues related to her body image. She is insecure about her appearance and constantly thinks about her weight. She frequently goes through phases where she eats unusually huge meals quickly. She eats in private because she feels guilty and embarrassed about it. After eating, Riya forcefully vomits so she does not gain

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Health Psychology

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: A Comprehensive Overview

According to the report by World Health Organization approximately 40 million people throughout the world are living with bipolar disorder.  Bipolar disorder which was earlier known as manic depressive illness or manic depression is a mental disorder that causes abnormal, extreme mood shifts, and changes in energy levels and concentration within a person.  Due to

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Emotion Health Psychology

Frustration Aggression Hypothesis

Sometimes when we are angry our mind goes blank and all we see is red, by the time we calm down the damage is already done, and our aggressive behaviour cannot be taken back even if we regret it. We often use anger and aggression as interchangeable words but there is a stark difference between

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