September 15, 2024
New Delhi, India
Health Psychology

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a pervasive disorder characterized by uncontrollable and recurrent thoughts termed as obsessions along with repetitive behaviours referred to as compulsions to combat anxiety-provoking thoughts. This causes significant distress to the individual who is affected along with disruptions in their occupational and personal lives. OCD impacts 1-3% of the global population and the

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Understanding Exposure Therapy: How It Works and Why It Helps?

Therapy is a process where individuals work together with trained professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health workers to address mental health issues, emotional challenges and life difficulties. It seeks to enhance the mental health and build resilience of individuals. There are various types of therapies the most popular ones include cognitive behavioural therapy

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