March 10, 2025
New Delhi, India
Cognitive Personality

Gambling disorder

Gambling disorder also known as compulsive gambling or disordered gambling is a pervasive disorder and addiction characterized by continuous gambling, preoccupation with obtaining money for gambling, and a continuation of the gambling behaviour despite facing adversities and potential loss of control over this behaviour. Gambling disorder often referred to as pathological gambling does not involve

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Health Psychology

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a pervasive disorder characterized by uncontrollable and recurrent thoughts termed as obsessions along with repetitive behaviours referred to as compulsions to combat anxiety-provoking thoughts. This causes significant distress to the individual who is affected along with disruptions in their occupational and personal lives. OCD impacts 1-3% of the global population and the

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